How to nail automated marketing messaging

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Automated marketing messaging is slowly becoming a more prominent form of marketing, as customers are increasingly encouraged to supply their email addresses in exchange for e-receipts, mobile ordering, or digital loyalty schemes. The coronavirus pandemic only accelerated this shift toward email marketing, as customers were required to supply their contact details to order to make bookings and comply with the government’s Test and Trace system. Recent research shows that email is often the best way to reach out to customers as visitors are more likely to give their email address to companies than they are their phone number.

Automated marketing messages are a fantastic tool that anybody, no matter how small your business, can take advantage of. It keeps your customers engaged, ensures that your business is at the forefront of their mind, and can be a useful way of determining the sort of content that appeals to those on your mailing list. The beauty of automated messaging is that it’s, well, automated – you don’t have to play an active role in sending emails, which leaves you more time to focus on other aspects of your business. That being said, you still have to devise the content that appears in each automated message. If you’ve stuck for ideas, you’re in luck! Scroll down for some ideas for content to get you off the starting block.

Mail Icon Indicating 2 Messages on Mobile Phone Display
  1. The ‘before’ message

This one is quite straightforward, but the ‘before’ message is absolutely key if you are to maximise space at your venue and reduce no-shows. You’d be surprised (or maybe not!) how often customers make bookings, and then promptly forget about them. Sending a friendly message reminding them about the date and time of their booking is a polite way to nudge people if they need to make any amendments to their booking or even, sadly, a last minute cancellation. Furthermore, it’s also a great way to prepare your customers before their visit with any information about accessibility, dietary requirements, or ordering, which is worth knowing in advance.

2. The ‘after’ message

Venues often dismiss the importance of what is colloquially known as the ‘after’ message, but it’s importance should not be underestimated. Not only is it polite to thank your visitors for making their booking, but it gives you an opportunity to ask customers to reflect on the experience they had. Sometimes we dread feedback, but ultimately, feedback is what pushes us to improve and enhance our business. Many people rely on feedback and reviews when deciding between competitors, and if you can provide potential customers with a wealth of glowing reviews, they will be more inclined to visit your business than another one nearby.


3. The birthday message

A touch of personalisation never goes amiss, and if you require customers to sign up for a rewards scheme or mobile app upon arrival at your venue, it is easy to access data regarding peoples’ birthdays. Offering customers discounts and rewards around the time of their birthday – whether you decide to reward your customers only on their big day or for their entire birthday month – will increase both your spend-per-head and the quality of your customer experience. Who knows, they might even decide to host their birthday at your venue!

4. The ‘you’ve forgotten something’ message

Perhaps they’ve popped something into their basket to remind them to buy it later, or perhaps they went to all the trouble of adding something to their cart only to change their mind at the last hurdle. Regardless of their reasoning, sometimes a “there’s something in your basket” message gives customers that extra little push they need to treat themselves at your venue. Failing that, a short but sweet “you’ve forgotten something” message can make you seem more attentive to your customers’ needs and spending habits, which leads them to look upon your business more favourably.

5. The ‘we miss you message’

There’s no such as looking needy when you’re doing business! Sometimes even your most loyal customers go elsewhere, and a quick “we miss you” message can remind them about all the great offers you have! Whether you’re sending this automated message every month, three months, or bi-annually, staying connected with customers you haven’t seen in a while can keep them engaged, and keep your business at the forefront of their mind next time they’re looking for somewhere to go.

Start sending automated messages to your customers today, and reap the benefits! Our software allows you to send timed and personalised messages for all the reasons we’ve highlighted above. Check out our guide to find out more.

Words by Rebecca Clayton

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