Marketing – why it’s important not to overlook it.

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Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Things that you put off until later that day sometimes end up being things that aren’t achieved for months on end.  Sometimes, as a business owner, it’s difficult to juggle your responsibilities to your customers with other aspects of your business. It can feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the day.

Marketing is one of these things. In many businesses, it is often put on the back burner as you try to make room for more immediate concerns such as staff and sales. This is completely understandable, but it can also be detrimental to the prosperity and longevity of your business.

If this doesn’t sound like you, then congratulations! Clearly you are managing your time effectively. If this does sound like you, fear not. Here at Booked it, we understand the importance of marketing and have developed a system that can help you take control of your brand without having to sacrifice time spent in other areas of your business.

The important thing to remember is that marketing isn’t just the reserve of multi-national conglomerates, even though sometimes it can feel that way. Implementing marketing strategies within your business model is achievable for all businesses, large or small.  You needn’t approach marketing as something out of your reach. Through implementing Booked it marketing strategies within your business, you too can begin to advertise, create email campaigns, and become more active on social media… all at a click of a button.

Our marketing tools are fully automated, and this takes the pressure off you. You don’t have to be hoovering over a computer all day. You can just let the software do its thing. Our automated marketing tools include birthday campaigns, abandoned carts, and transactional triggers. This makes it easy to connect with your customers, even after they have left the building. The icing on the cake is our social media automated marketing, which runs through whatever channels you’re most active on – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – take your pick. It’s actually the only social media bulk messaging tool on the market. Yeah, we’re proud of ourselves too.

Through Booked it, you can also run competitions to increase engagement and the amount of data you capture. You can also incentivise your customers to share their experiences with their friends. Using our loyalty scheme, customers can earn points and rewards for sharing on social media and through direct messaging. This makes the customer themselves the marketing tool, meaning that you can just sit back and reap the rewards.

Furthermore, you can use Booked it to understand your most influential customers and turn them into Brand Ambassadors. You can browse a network of over 11m micro- and global influencers, filter based on location, interests, and engagement, in order to find those suitable for your brand. After that, it’s easy. Once they are in your venue, they will do the marketing for you.

Although marketing is often neglected, it’s actually one of the most important aspects of a business. If you do it well, it can increase your customer base, entice new customers to check out your venue, and increase the satisfaction people have with what you offer them.  There are so many ways to implement marketing strategies within your venue. It’s not all massive billboard and expensive advertising – sometimes it’s as simple as the click of a button.

Words by Rebecca Clayton

Take a Look at our Booking Solutions:

Marketing Tools Displayed on Laptop Computer

Marketing Solutions For Hospitality Venues

Booked it offers a range of Marketing Solutions specifically designed for the hospitality and travel industry. Our comprehensive suite of Tools equips business owners with everything they need to raise brand awareness and boost attendance rates. With our Influencer Marketing feature, businesses can transform satisfied customers into powerful advocates who promote their brand. Our platform also includes the only bulk messaging tool available, making it easy for business owners to connect with their customer base. By utilising our automated marketing solutions, businesses can streamline their processes and save valuable time. Additionally, our Retargeting campaigns increase relevant touchpoints and help businesses reconnect with customers. Whether you're a small boutique hotel or a large resort operator, Booked it has the Marketing Solutions you need to thrive in today's competitive market.

List of influencers used for business promotion

Use Influencers to Advertise Your Venues and Events

Stay ahead in marketing by harnessing the power of influencers. Booked it, with its extensive network of over 1,200 influencers, offers a cost-effective and user-friendly platform for advertising your venues and events. Whether you're looking for regional micro-influencers or national public figures with thousands of followers, Booked it has got you covered. Their groundbreaking platform allows you to easily filter, sort, and segment influencers based on their personal brand, follower count, and preferred venues. The best part? You can connect and negotiate with potential collaborators directly through Booked it, unlocking the full potential of high-quality endorsements.