How to prepare for another lockdown – start running a takeaway service now

Woman Wearing a White Dress Delivering a Takeaway

If there’s one word to encapsulate running a business in 2020, it is this: pivot. And of all the pivots we’ve seen in 2020, hospitality has performed one of the best. Through takeaway, cafes, pubs and restaurants have survived through lockdown. But more than that, they’ve discovered a whole new revenue stream. With local lockdowns becoming the norm, prepare to pivot with a new takeaway service and you’ll be ready for whatever is heading your way. Here are 5 reasons to choose the Booked it takeaway ordering system:

It’s you, just better. One of the best things about the Booked it takeaway service is that we can integrate the technology straight into your website, or through a branded URL. So your customers are still interacting with your brand but a new, improved version, where they can order for collection or delivery quickly and easily. It’s your venue reinvented for the 21st century, ready to give customers the purchasing experience they want and need, and ready to provide you with a new way to trade.

Manage orders from your dashboard. You want to introduce a takeaway service but what you don’t want is to be stuck at the end of the phone scrawling orders onto a dog eared notebook. With Booked it, you get a dashboard to put in the kitchen or bar, orders come through as they’re taken online and you can spend your time where it is best spent, on preparing top notch food and drink for collection or delivery.

Cost effective pricing. What’s the point in setting up a takeaway service if all of your profit is going to get eaten up in fees? The beauty of Booked it is that it’s simple; no set up costs and 1.5% + 20p per transaction (so that’s 50p on a £20 order). A lot of venues add the extra onto the order price, something that most customers won’t bat an eyelid at, and other venues absorb the cost. Whichever works for you, it’s going to be a far more cost effective way to offer takeaway than the major online food delivery companies.

Insightful marketing. Some venues think marketing isn’t for them, but every venue can benefit from marketing; if it’s insightful and beneficial to the customer. When you’re taking takeaway orders through Booked it, you’re also (with consent) taking in valuable information about your customer preferences. And it’s all there in black and white rather than being carried around in a staff member’s brain. So when you’ve got a brilliant offer you want to promote, it’s that same data that will enable you to share it with the customers that would appreciate it most.

Capture a greater share of your local market. 2020 is the year of staying local, exploring your local area, supporting your local businesses, and that’s something you can use to your advantage. With a Booked it takeaway service, you’re making it easier for customers to order with you, whatever restrictions are in place, but you can also use this time to capture a greater share of your local market by encouraging regular, repeat orders and building your base of loyal customers.

Find out more about the Booked it takeaway ordering system today.

Take a Look at our Booking Solutions:

Beefburger being served in Takeaway Restaurant

Order Takeaways Direct from your Website

Are you tired of the time-consuming process of taking takeaway orders over the phone? Booked it has the solution for you. Our online takeaway ordering system allows your customers to conveniently place orders through your website. Say goodbye to the busy dial tone and hello to increased efficiency for both staff and customers. With our real-time dashboard, order management couldn't be easier. Plus, customers can click and collect their order, or enjoy a takeaway at your location with minimum fuss. Let Booked it streamline your takeaway ordering process, and make your customers' experience more enjoyable.

Customers Seated in Restaurant With Waiter Serving Food

Online Booking System for Hospitality

Looking for an online booking system for your business in the hospitality industry? Look no further than Booked IT! Our software is fully customisable and designed to increase sales and customer retention by understanding your customer's behaviours. With the ability to automate key marketing messages and extract valuable data for decision-making, our booking system is a must-have for restaurants, bars, cafes and takeaways. And speaking of takeaways, our comprehensive ordering system is designed to remove the hassle of processing orders over the phone, freeing up staff for other activities. So if you're looking to improve your hospitality business, try Booked IT today!