Terms And Conditions

1. Information about Us

1.1. www.booked.it is a site operated by The Booked It Group Limited trading as Booked it. The Booked It Group Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 09933601; Registered Office address:  WeWork, International House, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London E1W 1UN United Kingdom.

2. The Services

2.1. The Client appoints Booked it to sell tickets and offer bookings for their events. Booked it acts purely as an agent and has no responsibility for the Client itself or any associated events.

2.2. The Client will register an account with Booked it and may then upload their event(s) and booking inventory onto the website. 

2.3. Part of the account registration process includes compliance with identification rules as stipulated by Anti Money Laundering (AML) Regulations. Booked it reserves the right to request additional AML as it sees fit or is required by law. The platform will not go live until all AML requirements have been met by the Client.

2.4. The Client will be given access to a personalised platform dashboard which will give the Client information regarding the transaction flow, fees, and contain bank account and contact information for the Client.

2.5. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure all event and booking details listed are accurate. Booked it cannot be held liable for any errors in this information.

2.6. The Client must not upload any Name, Image or other content that is protected by copyright or other limitation, without express permission from the licence holder or their agent. If Booked it are informed of such breach, content may be removed without notification.

2.7. If the Client requests Booked it to load their event or booking inventory, it is the Client’s responsibility to check the final listing for any errors. Once live, Booked it accepts no responsibility for any errors.

2.8. Our fee is charged per transaction where a transaction is a payment, refund or pre-authorisation. In the event that the booking value is greater than the transaction made at the time of the booking then the fee will be charged on the total booking value. Refunds and pre-authorisations will be charged at the transaction value.

2.9. We will charge a 5% fee on the total booking value, plus the payment processor costs which we incur on the transaction (excluding VAT which will be charged at the prevailing rate at the time of each transaction), unless agreed otherwise where any different arrangement will be as specified in the Booking System Agreement Cover Sheet.

2.10. There will be a minimum fee charge of £0.25 per transaction.

2.11. Additional fees will be charged as a percentage of the total booking value as follows: To enable Apple Pay and Google Pay your overall fee will increase by 0.4% To enable PayPal your overall fee will increase by 0.8%

2.11.2 Chargeback protection if turned on will be charged at 0.4% 2.12. Booked it will take its fee at the time of each individual transaction through the platform, and will make available a consolidated VAT invoice to the Client each month.

2.13. Chargebacks are the responsibility of the Client to resolve. In the event of the Client having been remitted funds prior to Booked it receiving a chargeback claim, Booked it will apply the chargeback and any associated costs to the Client account and the total cost of the chargeback to Booked it will be refunded to Booked it automatically. 

2.14. Booked it will usually take payment for all invoices issued to Clients via the booking platform.

2.15. Funds will be made available in the Client’s dedicated Ryft account for transfer into the Client’s own nominated bank account by BACS transfer on the next but one working day following the day of the transaction. It is the Client’s responsibility to manage the transfer of their funds from their Ryft account to their nominated bank account.

2.16. In the event that the Client does not supply their own bank account details within 30 days of signing this contract, then Booked it reserves the right to retain any funds that cannot be disbursed via the above mechanism.

2.17. Where a Client opts to activate PayPal payments, they must provide details of their PayPal account to Booked it within 30 days, so that PayPal transactions can be directed to that account. The Client is responsible for any additional fees that may be charged by PayPal.

2.18. Booked it will process a test transaction each day through the Client’s account on the platform to ensure that the payment system is fully operational.

2.19. Booked it requires an initial deposit of £150 which will be kept as a reserve to be available for use against refunds. In the event that the client cancels their contract with Booked it, the reserve amount will be held for a further 12 months from the termination date. Thereafter, by logging into the platform the client may claim the remaining balance of this reserve sum. This balance must be claimed within a further 6 months, failing which the amount will be retained by Booked it. Notwithstanding this reserve arrangement, if total refunds exceed the amount of the reserve, then Booked it will claim any shortfall back from the client.

2.20. Booked it will provide the Client with a breakdown following the date of any bookings, detailing all items sold and remittance due.

2.21. It is the Client’s responsibility to enter and update payment details and select the account for payment if more than one is registered. 

2.22. It is the Client’s responsibility to enter and update contact details on the platform dashboard.

2.23. Should any overpayment be made in error by Booked it, it is the responsibility of the Client to notify Booked it immediately. Overpayments must be returned immediately upon notification.  The Client and its owners/operators/directors are personally liable for repaying these funds.

2.24. In the instance of complaints about an event or Client being received by Booked it from customers of the Client, where payment is disputed by the customer (User), payment may be withheld for up to 1 month, to resolve any disputes with customers.

2.25. Booked it will not refund bookings to customers without the Client’s agreement unless we cannot contact the Client within 1 week of the event by means listed on the Client’s account.

2.26. The Client agrees to include the Booked it logo or web address & telephone number on all promotions. 2.27. If an event is cancelled or Client closed for any reason and you do not inform us in advance, you agree to pay Booked it the total amount of booking fees, transactions charges and any other associated fees so that we can refund the customers in full.

2.28. Should Booked it receive a fine due to any illegal promotions undertaken by the Client i.e. fly posters or hand-to-hand flyering, the cost will be passed over and if necessary, deducted from any ticket money due. Whenever possible Booked it will pass on any communication received from councils to relevant parties but will not be held responsible if contact cannot be made.

2.29. The Client agrees that they will use Booked it as their only tickets & bookings solution exclusively. The Client must not include any information on any event pages referring to other ways of purchasing tickets to their event(s) or making bookings, through any other means than via the Booked it platform. This includes any special offers, prices, packages, or ‘on the door’ sales that are not listed on Booked it or any other information that may decrease or negatively affect sales with Booked it.

2.30. The Client is solely responsible for ensuring that the number of tickets sold and bookings taken for an event complies with capacity requirements/licences.

2.31. If funds from any booking transactions remain on account with us for more than 1 year and we have made attempts to contact you about making payment of these to you, we reserve the right to retain these funds on the basis we are unable to pay them out to you.

3. Data Protection

3.1. When a User registers to use the Service (, tickets & bookings, loyalty app), the User provides personal data and information by means of registration screens on the Website or any App that uses the Service and, as the User uses the Service, Booked it shall collect and process further information from the User on behalf of the Client, which may include personal data.

3.2. Booked it and the Client agree that the Client is the data controller of the personal data collected pursuant to clause 3.1 whilst Booked it is the data processor of that personal data.

3.3. If a Client imports its own database or other contact information it has collected into the Server then the Client shall also be the data controller (and Booked it the data processor) in relation to any personal data which is imported.

3.4. The Client and Booked it agree that the provisions of Booked it’s Data Processing Addendum available from time to time [here] (the “Data Processing Addendum”) shall be incorporated into and form part of this Contract for Services – Tickets & Bookings and Ordering. 

3.5. The Client warrants and undertakes that, in respect of all personal data processed by and on behalf of Booked it pursuant to the Services, it accepts full responsibility and liability for ensuring that the fair notice, consent, transparency, lawful basis and data subject rights obligations of applicable data privacy laws (including those of a data controller under data protection laws) are fully complied with at all times during and after the term of this agreement. Without limitation, these include the obligations to ensure that all Users have been provided with fair processing notices and that correct consents have been obtained from Users to facilitate direct marketing, online tracking or data sharing activities undertaken in respect of Users’ data. Such commitments apply equally where a Booked it privacy notice is presented to a User as part of the Services. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that such notices suit and at all times ensure data privacy law compliance in respect of the Client and its affiliates’ proposed uses of User data. The Client indemnifies and will keep Booked it, its officers and staff indemnified in respect of any losses or expenses incurred by them as a result of a breach of this clause.

3.6. The terms “personal data”, “data controller”, “data processor” and “data subject” shall have the meanings given to them in the Data Protection Act 2018.

4. Duration & Termination

4.1. This contract is for an initial 12 month period, and will automatically renew for a further 12 months at the anniversary of the start date. 

4.2. The Client can terminate the contract with 3 months’ notice at any time after the second 12 month period.

4.3. Booked it can terminate the contract with 3 months’ notice at any time after the second 12 month period.

5. Liability

5.1. Save in respect of liability which may not be excluded or limited by law, Booked it shall not be liable for any indirect, special or consequential losses and Booked it’s liability in the aggregate shall be limited to the amount of commission Booked it has made from the Client in the month in which any loss has been incurred by the Client. 

5.2. Booked it will use all reasonable efforts to maintain continuity for the services provided but can not guarantee that they will be error free but should any service fail, Booked it will use all reasonable efforts to resume the service as quickly as reasonably possible.

5.3. Booked it shall have no responsibility or liability for any product or service delivered by the Client.

5. Governing Law

6.1. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Appendix – Chargebacks

A chargeback is a transaction reversal made to dispute a card transaction and secure a refund for the purchase. 

Chargeback works by the bank withdrawing funds that were previously deposited into the recipient’s – usually a retailer – bank account and putting them back into the customer account.

The recipient may dispute a chargeback with the bank if it can prove the chargeback is invalid.