6 reasons that every large scale event should go cashless

Man with Long Hair Standing in Crowd at Event Waving his Hand

Festivals, live music events and club nights are all about freedom, fun and the pure joy of living life. The last thing your customers want to worry about is where to stash their cash. Going cashless for your large-scale events will be a big winner with your customers, and it’s proven to increase spend per head by over 30%. Here are the 6 reasons to make your large scale event cashless using the new generation of RFID cashless payment technology from Booked it.

1. It’s better for cashflow. Buying the tickets, finding a new outfit, getting topped up with credit. With an RFID cashless payment solution, getting topped up with credit to spend on the night becomes an integral part of the pre-event preparation. And because most customers top up in advance, that’s really good news for your cashflow.

2. It’s more hygienic. We’ve always known that cash isn’t clean because of the fact that it gets passed about from person to person. And in the pandemic, keeping your event as hygienic as possible is your priority. Statistics show that money changes hands over 50 times, and viruses can live on the surface of cash for 72 hours. Go cashless and these problems and more are eradicated.

3. It’s more efficient. Using cash equals more time at the bar for your customers and less time enjoying the event. Once they’ve got their RFID wristband on though, paying for food and drinks is completed with a quick tap of the wrist. They get their drinks quicker and you get less queues at the bar, quicker turnaround for orders and a more efficient bar overall. The RFID technology even works offline, so if your event is out in the sticks, it can still have top-notch tech.

4. It’s easy to top up at the event. We’ve all done it. Smashed through the money you bought with you (or loaded onto your wristband) way too soon, but the event is so good there’s no way you’re going home yet. To keep the event bouncing, top ups can take place at an onsite kiosk or straight from your customers’ phones.

5. It’s easy to get customer insights. Post-event, and as well as the clean-up, it’s time for the analysis. What bars performed well, what did customers buy, and how much did they spend? This is all vital information to plan and improve your next event. And it’s all available from your RFID cashless payment solution dashboard. You can even use the dashboard during the event to prevent stock-outs. No one wants to miss out on their favourite drink at a festival!

6. It’s not as expensive as you might think.  All that cutting-edge technology has to be expensive, right? Actually, the RFID tech is available from just £1 per wristband, with no set-up fees, no contracts and all of the support you need to make the switch to cashless for your events. Let the cashless partying commence!